3D Animator

Placeholder for including produced scripts (including web font scripts) $ANIMATE_CC_SCRIPTS

HTML Tag to begin a customer-side script $SCRIPT_START

Placeholder for code to produce loader (CreateJS LoadQueue) $CREATE_LOADER

Placeholder for code to load assets contained in the manifest $LOAD_MANIFEST

Placeholder for code determining the technique to load files $HANDLE_FILE_LOAD_START

Placeholder for code to deal with file load event $HANDLE_FILE_LOAD_BODY

Placeholder for code concluding the technique to load files $HANDLE_FILE_LOAD_Finish

Placeholder for code determining the technique handle Complete, known as after assets are loaded $HANDLE_COMPLETE_START

Placeholder for code to produce happens $CREATE_STAGE

Placeholder for code to join up for tick event, then 3d animator starts $START_ANIMATION

Placeholder for code to aid responsive scaling and hidpi shows $RESP_HIDPI

Placeholder for code concluding the technique handle Complete $HANDLE_COMPLETE_Finish

Placeholder for any function to deal with quite happy with



Placeholder for styling section to aid centering the canvas $CENTER_STYLE

Placeholder for canvas display style property to aid Preloader $CANVAS_DISP

Placeholder for code to show Preloader $PRELOADER_DIV

HTML Tag for finish of client-side script $SCRIPT_Finish

Canvas element ID $CANVAS_ID

Width from the stage or canvas element $WT

Height from the stage or canvas element $HT

Background colour of happens or canvas element $BG

Form of Animate CC accustomed to generate



The next tokens in the previous versions have finally been deprecated and can’t be utilized. These tokens happen to be modularized and changed by new tokens within the above table:

Attribute Parameter Template Variable

Placeholder to incorporate scripts (CreateJS and produced Javascript) $CREATEJS_SCRIPTS

Placeholder for code to initialize CreateJS libraries, load media, create increase stage $CJS_INIT*

Now there’s something that you should know of while you begin experimentation using these template variables. Please realize that should you remove a placeholder token then you definitely cannot use it’s corresponding code afterwards, because when you’re leveraging a custom template, 3d animator CC respects the dwelling from the template and requires to understand where it’s permitted to inject produced scripts.

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